How to Vet and Hire the Best Web3 Developer for Your Business


As technology advances, the landscape of web development is evolving rapidly, giving rise to a new era known as Web 3.0. Currently, there are tens of thousands of crypto developers, but their numbers are rapidly increasing. It is projected that by 2030, there will be one million developers in this field.

With its decentralized and user-centric approach, Web 3.0 brings groundbreaking possibilities that redefine how we interact with the digital world.

Before we understand the skills nAs technology advances, the landscape of web development is evolving rapidly, giving rise to a new era known as Web 3.0. Currently, there are tens of thousands of crypto developers, but their numbers are rapidly increasing. It is projected that by 2030, there will be one million developers in this field. With its decentralised and user-centric approach, Web 3.0 brings groundbreaking possibilities that redefine how we interact with the digital world.

Whether you are a forward-thinking startup or an established organisation seeking to tap into the immense portunities offered by Web 3.0, this blog will provide valuable insights and actionable steps to find and onboard top-notch Web 3.0 talent. Before we understand the skills needed for this, we need to understand the concept of Web 3.0 and how it is creating a data revolution.

Understanding Web3 and the decentralised future of the internet

Five years ago, Tim Berners-Lee introduced the "Semantic Web" concept, envisioning a more advanced and intelligent version of the Internet. His vision was for a web where computers could understand and interpret information contextually and conceptually, much like humans.

Despite substantial investments from major tech companies like IBM, the Semantic Web has yet to materialise fully. One of the primary challenges was the difficulty of connecting ideas and creating taxonomies for every term.

However, the idea of the Semantic Web laid the groundwork for the emergence of Web 3.0 in today's world. The rapid global expansion of cutting-edge technologies such as distributed ledger technology (DLT), cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence (AI), and more have paved the way for Web 3.0's rise and popularity.

To harness the full potential of this exciting frontier, businesses need skilled and innovative Web 3.0 developers who can build cutting-edge applications and platforms.

Understanding the different roles in the web3 development ecosystem

Blockchain Developer:

Blockchain developers play a critical role in Web3 development, focusing on building and maintaining the underlying blockchain infrastructure. They are responsible for designing and implementing smart contracts, creating and managing decentralised applications (DApps), and ensuring the security and efficiency of blockchain networks. These developers should have a deep understanding of blockchain platforms like Ethereum, proficiency in programming languages such as Solidity, and expertise in cryptographic principles.

DApp Developer:

DApp developers specialise in creating decentralised applications that leverage blockchain technology and smart contracts. They are responsible for designing user interfaces, developing front-end and back-end components, and integrating the application with the blockchain. DApp developers need proficiency in programming languages like JavaScript, frameworks like React or Vue.js, and a strong understanding of blockchain concepts and decentralised data storage technologies like IPFS.

Smart Contract Developer:

Competent contract developers focus on writing, deploying, and maintaining intelligent contracts on blockchain platforms. They are skilled in programming languages specific to innovative contract development, such as Solidity or Vyper. Competent contract developers ensure the contracts' security, reliability, and functionality, enabling the trustless and automated execution of agreements. They should understand blockchain principles, cryptographic protocols, and contract testing frameworks strongly.

Web3 Back-end Developer:

Web3 back-end developers build the server-side infrastructure that powers Web3 applications. They are responsible for integrating blockchain technologies, managing data storage on the blockchain, and implementing the business logic of decentralised applications. These developers often work with frameworks like Node.js and databases specific to the blockchain, such as Ethereum's decentralised storage systems. They also ensure the scalability and performance of the back-end systems in a decentralised environment.

Web3 UX/UI Designer:

Web3 UX/UI designers specialise in creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for decentralised applications. They focus on designing seamless user experiences with blockchain features, such as wallet integrations, decentralised identity management, and transaction confirmations. Web3 UX/UI designers must deeply understand blockchain technology, user-centred design principles, and front-end development frameworks. They ensure that user experience is secure and enjoyable while seamlessly incorporating the unique features of the decentralised web.

Web3 Security Specialist:

Web3 security specialists identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities in Web3 applications and blockchain networks. They perform security audits, code reviews, and penetration testing to ensure the integrity and safety of decentralised systems. Web3 security specialists have in-depth knowledge of blockchain security best practices, cryptography, and innovative contract auditing tools. Their expertise is crucial in protecting user funds, preventing hacks, and maintaining the overall safety of Web3 platforms.

Skill Requirements for Web3 Developers

Web3 developers are at the forefront of the decentralised web revolution, and their skill set reflects the unique demands of this emerging field. First and foremost, a deep understanding of blockchain technology and smart contracts is essential.

Web3 developers should be proficient in blockchain platforms like Ethereum and have experience developing decentralised applications (DApps) using blockchain frameworks such as Solidity.

They should also possess a strong command of decentralised technologies like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and have a good grasp of cryptographic principles. Additionally, proficiency in programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, and Rust is crucial for building Web3 applications.

Knowledge of front-end frameworks like React or Vue.js and the ability to work with decentralised identity protocols and Web3 wallets are valuable skills that enable developers to create secure and user-friendly decentralised experiences.

An effective Web3 developer should know how to use the following tech stack– Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), 3d graphics, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Non-fungible tokens (NFT), Metaverse, Crypto wallets, Smart contracts, Nodes like Infura, Moralis or AWS.

Determining the Need for Web3 Developers:

When considering whether to hire web3 developers, aligning their expertise with your startup's specific objectives is crucial. If your venture revolves around blockchain-based products or services, bringing web3 developers with blockchain experience on board is a logical choice.

On the other hand, if your goals don't involve these technologies—for instance, if you're focused on implementing a Learning Management System—hiring a web3 developer may not be necessary.

A team of blockchain development experts can significantly assist in identifying the most suitable blockchains and tools for your project. The advantage of working with distributed systems lies in the various approaches available to address multiple challenges.

Web3 presents exciting opportunities for startups to approach these problems from fresh perspectives. As Web3 continues to evolve, startups must remain adaptable, ready to adjust strategies and seize new prospects that arise along the way.

Finding and attracting web3 developers

Finding Web3 developers can be challenging, given the relatively nascent stage of the technology. However, there are several avenues where you can explore to connect with talented Web3 developers. Job boards are still an excellent way to find suitable candidates.

According to the online job board Monster, 96% of employees in the U.S. will be looking for a new job in 2023. Many people visit (online) job boards when searching for a new job, so you should also put your ad up there.

One option is to tap into online communities and platforms dedicated to blockchains and Web3 development, such as GitHub, Gitcoin, or Stack Exchange. There are hundreds of Web3 online communities, and you should check them out. Developer DAO, Web3 marketing by Lunar Academy, and Alchemy University are good places to start.

These platforms allow you to engage with developers actively working on Web3 projects and showcase their skills. Additionally, attending blockchain conferences, hackathons, and meetups can provide valuable networking opportunities to connect with Web3 developers and learn more about their expertise.

Finally, consider partnering with specialised recruitment agencies or freelancing platforms catering to the blockchain and Web3 space. Leveraging these resources can help you discover skilled Web3 developers who are passionate about decentralised technologies and ready to contribute to your project.

Crafting an irresistible job description

When hiring top-notch Web3 developers, attracting suitable candidates starts with a compelling job description. By crafting a job description that balances essential skills and clear responsibilities, you'll maximizṣe your chances of attracting qualified Web3 developer candidates.

  • Must-have vs. nice-to-have:

Given the limited talent pool in the evolving field of Web3 development, it's essential to be realistic about candidate expectations. Identify the must-have skills required for the role—the core competencies necessary for success. You can also list nice-to-have skills that could be advantageous but aren't essential. Clearly distinguishing between the two will help you focus on finding candidates who possess the critical skills needed.

  • Clarity of role:

A well-defined job description outlines the responsibilities that the Web3 developer will undertake. Ensure that the responsibilities align with the desired skill set. For instance, if proficiency in JavaScript is a requirement, clearly state the daily tasks that involve JavaScript expertise. This clarity will attract candidates with relevant experience and knowledge to excel in the role.

Assessing the Perfect Fit through Screening

Once you've gathered a pool of applicants for your Web3 developer position, it's time to identify the ideal match through a thorough screening process. Here are several effective methods to evaluate your candidates:

  • Pre-employment tests:

Start by administering a concise and focused pre-employment test to filter out unqualified candidates quickly. Typically lasting 10-30 minutes, these tests provide a time-saving mechanism for both candidates and hiring managers.

  • CV and portfolio screening:

While reviewing candidates' resumes is essential, going beyond surface-level information is crucial. Instead, delve into their portfolios to witness their work on diverse projects, ensuring their skills align with your requirements. This approach provides a more accurate assessment of their capabilities.

  • Background and reference checks:

Conducting background checks verifies the accuracy of information provided by candidates, including employment history and any potential criminal records. Additionally, reach out to references provided by the candidate, speaking with previous managers, peers, and subordinates to gauge their behaviour and work dynamics.

  • Work sample tests (technical evaluation):

A critical step in the evaluation process is conducting work sample tests specific to Web3 development. By presenting candidates with real-world scenarios or problem-solving challenges, you can assess their technical prowess and ability to handle routine tasks.

  • Culture and personality tests:

In addition to technical skills, cultural fit is vital for long-term success. Engage candidates in conversations about their values and visions, ensuring alignment with your company's culture. Evaluating their compatibility will contribute to a harmonious and productive work environment.

Interviewing Web 3 Developers:

When interviewing and negotiating compensation with Web3 developers, it's crucial to conduct comprehensive interviews that assess their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and familiarity with decentralized technologies. During the interview process, consider incorporating coding challenges or scenario-based questions to evaluate their practical knowledge and suitability for the role. Also, discuss their experience with specific Web3 tools, frameworks, and blockchain platforms.

Setting the Right Expectations for Web3 Developer Compensation:

When negotiating compensation, research industry standards and align the offer with the candidate's qualifications, experience, and market demand. To ensure successful salary negotiations with Web3 developers, it's essential to familiarise yourself with the average compensation in the industry. Salaries vary across regions and levels of seniority.

In the United States, the average annual salary for a Web3 developer ranges from $120,000 to $173,000. However, these figures differ significantly in other areas. For instance, in Argentina, a Web3 developer may earn around $32,000 annually, while in France, the exact role commands a salary of approximately $72,000. Be open to discussing additional incentives such as cryptocurrency options or remote work flexibility, recognizing the unique nature of the Web3 ecosystem.


Now that you have explored the essential steps in finding, assessing, screening, interviewing, and hiring top-notch Web3 developers for your organization, don't leave your hiring process to chance. With Teamed, our Employer of Record (EOR) services can provide invaluable support in employing, paying, and managing your Web3 developers.

Our team of experts will handle crucial aspects such as payroll management, compliance with local regulations, and providing a comprehensive benefits package. This allows you to focus on driving your Web3 projects forward without the administrative burden.

Reach out to one of our experienced professionals at Teamed today and empower your organization to secure the best Web3 developers for your team. With our EOR services, you can maximize efficiency, mitigate risks, and unlock the full potential of decentralized technologies.

As technology advances, the landscape of web development is evolving rapidly, giving rise to a new era known as Web 3.0. Currently, there are tens of thousands of crypto developers, but their numbers are rapidly increasing. It is projected that by 2030, there will be one million developers in this field.

With its decentralized and user-centric approach, Web 3.0 brings groundbreaking possibilities that redefine how we interact with the digital world.

Before we understand the skills nAs technology advances, the landscape of web development is evolving rapidly, giving rise to a new era known as Web 3.0. Currently, there are tens of thousands of crypto developers, but their numbers are rapidly increasing. It is projected that by 2030, there will be one million developers in this field. With its decentralised and user-centric approach, Web 3.0 brings groundbreaking possibilities that redefine how we interact with the digital world.

Whether you are a forward-thinking startup or an established organisation seeking to tap into the immense portunities offered by Web 3.0, this blog will provide valuable insights and actionable steps to find and onboard top-notch Web 3.0 talent. Before we understand the skills needed for this, we need to understand the concept of Web 3.0 and how it is creating a data revolution.

Understanding Web3 and the decentralised future of the internet

Five years ago, Tim Berners-Lee introduced the "Semantic Web" concept, envisioning a more advanced and intelligent version of the Internet. His vision was for a web where computers could understand and interpret information contextually and conceptually, much like humans.

Despite substantial investments from major tech companies like IBM, the Semantic Web has yet to materialise fully. One of the primary challenges was the difficulty of connecting ideas and creating taxonomies for every term.

However, the idea of the Semantic Web laid the groundwork for the emergence of Web 3.0 in today's world. The rapid global expansion of cutting-edge technologies such as distributed ledger technology (DLT), cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence (AI), and more have paved the way for Web 3.0's rise and popularity.

To harness the full potential of this exciting frontier, businesses need skilled and innovative Web 3.0 developers who can build cutting-edge applications and platforms.

Understanding the different roles in the web3 development ecosystem

Blockchain Developer:

Blockchain developers play a critical role in Web3 development, focusing on building and maintaining the underlying blockchain infrastructure. They are responsible for designing and implementing smart contracts, creating and managing decentralised applications (DApps), and ensuring the security and efficiency of blockchain networks. These developers should have a deep understanding of blockchain platforms like Ethereum, proficiency in programming languages such as Solidity, and expertise in cryptographic principles.

DApp Developer:

DApp developers specialise in creating decentralised applications that leverage blockchain technology and smart contracts. They are responsible for designing user interfaces, developing front-end and back-end components, and integrating the application with the blockchain. DApp developers need proficiency in programming languages like JavaScript, frameworks like React or Vue.js, and a strong understanding of blockchain concepts and decentralised data storage technologies like IPFS.

Smart Contract Developer:

Competent contract developers focus on writing, deploying, and maintaining intelligent contracts on blockchain platforms. They are skilled in programming languages specific to innovative contract development, such as Solidity or Vyper. Competent contract developers ensure the contracts' security, reliability, and functionality, enabling the trustless and automated execution of agreements. They should understand blockchain principles, cryptographic protocols, and contract testing frameworks strongly.

Web3 Back-end Developer:

Web3 back-end developers build the server-side infrastructure that powers Web3 applications. They are responsible for integrating blockchain technologies, managing data storage on the blockchain, and implementing the business logic of decentralised applications. These developers often work with frameworks like Node.js and databases specific to the blockchain, such as Ethereum's decentralised storage systems. They also ensure the scalability and performance of the back-end systems in a decentralised environment.

Web3 UX/UI Designer:

Web3 UX/UI designers specialise in creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for decentralised applications. They focus on designing seamless user experiences with blockchain features, such as wallet integrations, decentralised identity management, and transaction confirmations. Web3 UX/UI designers must deeply understand blockchain technology, user-centred design principles, and front-end development frameworks. They ensure that user experience is secure and enjoyable while seamlessly incorporating the unique features of the decentralised web.

Web3 Security Specialist:

Web3 security specialists identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities in Web3 applications and blockchain networks. They perform security audits, code reviews, and penetration testing to ensure the integrity and safety of decentralised systems. Web3 security specialists have in-depth knowledge of blockchain security best practices, cryptography, and innovative contract auditing tools. Their expertise is crucial in protecting user funds, preventing hacks, and maintaining the overall safety of Web3 platforms.


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