Evaluating Your EOR: 9 Step Performance Check

Global employment

So you’ve chosen to expand your business globally and picked an Employer of Record (EOR) to help manage your remote team. An EOR takes care of everything from payroll to compliance, making sure your workforce is legally and efficiently managed.

But is your EOR really living up to your expectations? Maybe things seemed smooth until a hiccup — like a payroll error — revealed some cracks: slow customer service, hidden fees, unhappy employees.

Now’s the perfect time to run a quick check on your EOR and see if they’re truly meeting your needs. It’s not just about the tech; it’s about the service and the experience for you and your team.

Use our 9-step checklist to evaluate how well your EOR is working for you.

Q1: Are you able to speak to a real person when needed?

Check out the 1 and 2-star ratings for EOR services on Trustpilot or G2, and you’ll see that 99% of the complaints are about customer service. People want to talk to a real person to solve their problems, not get the runaround from AI or a brush-off from junior support staff.

In the EOR industry, a human-first approach makes all the difference. While AI and technology can streamline services, human interactions are essential. Whether it’s discussing the details of international payroll compliance, addressing cash flow concerns, or ensuring your workforce’s wellbeing, connecting with a real person — such as a dedicated customer success manager or an experienced operations team member — can greatly enhance your experience.

For businesses looking for a reliable EOR partner, consider those who prioritise both technology and personal connections. This combination ensures efficiency while maintaining the human touch that’s crucial for effective problem-solving and support. 

At Teamed, technology aids efficiency, but personal connections define our service.

Q2: What are their response times for queries? Have they got an SLA with you?

Time is of the essence, especially when managing a global team across different time zones. A one-day delay can snowball into a 2-3 day setback for colleagues on the other side of the world.

As a team of global hiring geeks we understand the importance of prompt responses to queries about payroll, employee management, and invoicing.

That’s why we consistently achieve a first response time of under 2.5 hours for any inquiry. Our service level agreement (SLA) aims to resolve all customer queries within five days, but we’re proud to say our current average is just under 3.2 days.

Q3: Is your EoR flexible to your global growth needs?

Expanding into new markets? You need an EOR that’s as flexible as your business. Navigating different legal environments, understanding local labour laws, and managing cultural nuances are key to ensuring compliance and smooth transitions. For startups and growing companies, an EOR that adapts to your evolving needs means you can focus on growth without the administrative burdens.

At Teamed, we take a human-first approach. We understand that every business is unique, and we work with each client to create customised solutions that fit their growth stage perfectly.

Q4: Are your employees supported throughout? From onboarding to offboarding?

Beyond compliance, boosting loyalty and retention gives you an edge in today’s competitive talent market. Solid support from onboarding to offboarding can significantly enhance the employee experience.

At Teamed, we prioritise a seamless and supportive journey for your employees. It all starts with an onboarding call to set the stage for personalised support. We stick to our SLAs for timely, effective responses because we know a positive employee experience drives business growth. Happy employees often recommend Teamed, and many of our new clients come from these referrals.

Q5: Is there a minimum contract length with your current EOR?

Are you aware of any minimum contract terms with your current EOR? Restrictive EOR contracts can really slow you down. Choosing an EOR with flexible contracts and no lock-in clauses ensures you can adapt quickly and maintain operational agility.

Shamir, a Senior Sales Representative at Teamed, shares: “One client was trapped in a three-month notice period with another EOR, unaware until they tried to move their employees. They lost a quarter struggling with an unsuitable EOR.”

At Teamed, we prioritise flexibility. There are no minimum contracts, allowing you to cancel or change your contract whenever needed.

Q6: How effectively can your EOR support and guide you with visa and compliance enquiries?

For businesses expanding internationally, robust visa support from an EOR is essential. As a business you need quick accurate advice that ensures compliance and streamlining global talent onboarding. Often an EOR won't be able to support you directly, they should still clearly communicate your options and preferred partners. 

The best EORs may not always handle visa applications themselves. For example, at Teamed, we’re dedicated to supporting your global operations. We work closely with you and our network of expert partners to navigate the complexities of international employment and help you achieve your global ambitions successfully.

Q7: Is your EoRs  pricing clear and are there any hidden fees?

Does your EOR provide a detailed breakdown of their pricing structure, clearly outlining any fees for services like contract changes, legal queries, or onboarding? This transparency helps you plan your budget effectively and avoid unexpected financial setbacks. Reviews on platforms like G2 and Trustpilot frequently cite unexpected fees and complex invoices as common complaints.

At Teamed, the price we discuss during the discovery call is the price you pay. There are no hidden fees. Our pricing includes the Teamed fee ranging from £300 to £500, plus salary, social security payments, taxes, and any chosen benefits. Our invoices are meticulously itemised, allowing you to see exactly what you're paying for at each step, ensuring full transparency.

Q8: Is the technology user friendly and offers integrations?

Industry feedback on sites like G2 and Trustpilot often highlights how great-looking platforms can fail due to their complexity, especially as new features are added over time.

Does your EOR offer a user-friendly platform that integrates well with your existing HR systems. Complex, outdated platforms can lead to confusion and frustration for HR professionals and employees alike.

At Teamed, we prioritise simplicity and usability. Every new feature undergoes rigorous scrutiny to ensure it enhances user experience without adding unnecessary complexity. While our list of integrations is currently expanding we encourage you to discuss your specific needs with our team. We’re committed to efficiently accommodating your requirements or providing a clear timeline for future enhancements.

Q9: Is your payroll accurate and processed timely?

Again looking at G2 and Trustpilot reviews we see that payroll issues are a top concern, mainly due to their significant impact on employees and their families.

Consistent, error-free, and prompt payroll processing is essential not only for employee satisfaction but also for compliance and preventing financial problems. Payroll errors can disrupt cash flow, harm employee morale, and lead to legal challenges, making it vital for a reliable EOR to prioritise payroll precision and quickly address any mistakes with empathy.

As total geeks for payroll we understand the importance of payroll and its impact when it goes wrong. To avoid errors that can stress employees, create extra work, and cause financial difficulties, we have established stringent payroll verification processes. We maintain clear communication with our clients around payroll cut-off dates to ensure clarity on what is included. Our double-check system guarantees accuracy, ensuring smooth and reliable payroll operations at all times.


So now we’ve gone through the list of questions and shared some insights into why they’re important. Next, check each of these questions and identify the four most important factors to you.

  1. Are you able to speak to a real person when needed?
  2. What are their response times for queries? Do they have an SLA with you?
  3. Is your EOR flexible to your global growth needs?
  4. Are your employees supported throughout, from onboarding to offboarding?
  5. Is there a minimum contract length with your current EOR?
  6. Can your EOR support and guide you with visa and compliance enquiries?
  7. Is your EOR’s pricing clear, and are there any hidden fees?
  8. Is the technology user-friendly and does it offer integrations?
  9. Is your payroll accurate and processed timely?

Think of the four questions and answer these to yourself. If any of the four you’ve chosen have a “no” or negative answer, it might be time to chat with our team about your concerns and how to approach changing EORs.

Choosing the right EOR for your business is about more than just price. When it comes to the livelihoods of your most important resource — your staff — you have to get it right. And when things go wrong, you need an EOR that’s going to do everything they can to fix it. A truly exceptional EOR shines when challenges arise, providing prompt solutions, empathetic support, and unwavering commitment to your success.

If your current EOR falls short in any of these areas, it might be time to explore other options. Proactively addressing any shortcomings in your EOR partnership can prevent future disruptions and ensure your business is set for growth and success in an increasingly competitive global market.

At Teamed, we believe in a human-first approach, combining cutting-edge technology with personal connections to deliver outstanding service. Why not jump on a call with one of our experts to see how we can support you? Let’s work together to support your global workforce and drive your business forward.

So you’ve chosen to expand your business globally and picked an Employer of Record (EOR) to help manage your remote team. An EOR takes care of everything from payroll to compliance, making sure your workforce is legally and efficiently managed.

But is your EOR really living up to your expectations? Maybe things seemed smooth until a hiccup — like a payroll error — revealed some cracks: slow customer service, hidden fees, unhappy employees.

Now’s the perfect time to run a quick check on your EOR and see if they’re truly meeting your needs. It’s not just about the tech; it’s about the service and the experience for you and your team.


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